Thursday, December 06, 2007


Well, I ran into another speed bump that had apparently been lurking in the background for sometime, but failed to show it's true self.

I noticed that the non-player characters were the same height no matter what race they were. Elves, dwarves, humans, and even the golem I made, were the same height. I guess I just never noticed it before since they were either in separate areas or not standing side-by-side. I discovered it on accident when I placed my 12 foot next to a character that was supposed to be 6 foot.

Hmm, I remembered the golem being bigger. Sure enough, something wasn't working properly. I first tried to see if I could physically modify the sizes. I could, but I began to see how much time this was gonna take and starting doing research elsewhere.

In some forums, I uncovered that this was not unheard of. I number of others explained what they believed was causing it and explained their fixes. In my case, none of them seemed to work.

The good news is that I fixed it. The bad news is that I'm not sure how I did it.

I played around with some of the 2da files I had built, but discarded for others. One of them seemed to fix the problem and I'm not sure why. I guess since everything works, I'm not gonna question it, nor screw with it.

I just hope this problem has been officially solved and won't pop up again. Cross your fingers.